Module cartographer

Tiled map loading and drawing library for LÖVE.


load (path) Loads a Tiled map from an exported Lua file.


Layer.base:gridToPixel (x, y) Converts grid coordinates to pixel coordinates for this layer.
Layer.base:pixelToGrid (x, y) Converts pixel coordinates for this layer to grid coordinates.


Layer.spritelayer:update (dt) Updates animations on the layer.
Layer.spritelayer:draw () Draws the layer.


Layer.tilelayer:getGridBounds () Gets the bounds of the layer (in tiles).
Layer.tilelayer:getPixelBounds () Gets the bounds of the layer (in pixels).
Layer.tilelayer:getTileAtGridPosition (x, y) Gets the tile at the given grid position.
Layer.tilelayer:setTileAtGridPosition (x, y, gid) Sets the tile at the given grid position.
Layer.tilelayer:getTileAtPixelPosition (x, y) Gets the tile at the given pixel position.
Layer.tilelayer:setTileAtPixelPosition (x, y, gid) Sets the tile at the given pixel position.
Layer.tilelayer:getTiles () Returns an iterator over all the tiles in this layer.


Layer.imagelayer:draw () Draws the layer.

Group (...) Gets a child layer by name. (dt) Updates animations in all child layers. () Draws the layer.


Map:getTileset (gid) Gets the tileset that has the tile with the given global ID.
Map:getTile (gid) Gets a tile with the given global ID.
Map:getTileType (gid) Gets the type of a tile.
Map:getTileProperty (gid, propertyName) Gets the value of a property of a tile.
Map:setTileProperty (gid, propertyName, propertyValue) Sets the value of a tile property.
Map:getLayer (...) Gets a layer by name.
Map:update (dt) Updates all animations in the map.
Map:drawBackground () Draws the solid color background of the map.
Map:draw () Draws the map.


load (path)
Loads a Tiled map from an exported Lua file.


  • path string the path to the Lua file


    the loaded Map


The base class for all layers.
Layer.base:gridToPixel (x, y)
Converts grid coordinates to pixel coordinates for this layer.


  • x number the column to get the pixel coordinates of
  • y number the row to get the pixel coordinates of


  1. the horizontal position of the grid cell in pixels
  2. the vertical position of the grid cell in pixels
Layer.base:pixelToGrid (x, y)
Converts pixel coordinates for this layer to grid coordinates.


  • x number the horizontal position to get the grid cell at
  • y number the vertical position to get the grid cell at


  1. the column of the grid cell
  2. the row of the grid cell


Parent class for tile layers and object layers.
Layer.spritelayer:update (dt)
Updates animations on the layer.


  • dt number the time elapsed since the last frame (in seconds)
Layer.spritelayer:draw ()
Draws the layer.


A layer that contains tiles placed on a grid.

Inherits from SpriteLayer.

Layer.tilelayer:getGridBounds ()
Gets the bounds of the layer (in tiles).


  1. the left bound of the layer
  2. the top bound of the layer
  3. the right bound of the layer
  4. the bottom bound of the layer
Layer.tilelayer:getPixelBounds ()
Gets the bounds of the layer (in pixels).


  1. the left bound of the layer
  2. the top bound of the layer
  3. the right bound of the layer
  4. the bottom bound of the layer
Layer.tilelayer:getTileAtGridPosition (x, y)
Gets the tile at the given grid position.


  • x number the column to get the tile at
  • y number the row to get the tile at


    the global ID of the tile at the given grid position, or false if the tile is empty
Layer.tilelayer:setTileAtGridPosition (x, y, gid)
Sets the tile at the given grid position.


  • x number the column to set the tile at
  • y number the row to set the tile at
  • gid number the global ID to set the tile to
Layer.tilelayer:getTileAtPixelPosition (x, y)
Gets the tile at the given pixel position.


  • x number the horizontal position to get the tile at
  • y number the vertical position to get the tile at


    the global ID of the tile at the given pixel position, or false if the tile is empty
Layer.tilelayer:setTileAtPixelPosition (x, y, gid)
Sets the tile at the given pixel position.


  • x number the horizontal position to set the tile at
  • y number the vertical position to set the tile at
  • gid number the global ID to set the tile to
Layer.tilelayer:getTiles ()
Returns an iterator over all the tiles in this layer.


    an iterator that returns that following values:

    • the index of the tile
    • the global ID of the tile
    • the x position of the tile (in grid cells)
    • the y position of the tile (in grid cells)
    • the x position of the tile (in pixels)
    • the y position of the tile (in pixels)


A layer that displays a single image.
Layer.imagelayer:draw ()
Draws the layer.


A layer that contains other layers. (...)
Gets a child layer by name.

Can get nested layers.


  • ... string the name(s) of the layers to get


    the Layer, if it exists (dt)
Updates animations in all child layers.


  • dt number the elapsed time since the last frame (in seconds) ()
Draws the layer.


A tiled map.
Map:getTileset (gid)
Gets the tileset that has the tile with the given global ID.


  • gid number the global ID of the tile


    the tileset that contains the tile, if it exists
Map:getTile (gid)
Gets a tile with the given global ID.


  • gid number the global ID of the tile


    the data table for the tile with the given global ID, if it exists
Map:getTileType (gid)
Gets the type of a tile.


  • gid number the global ID of the tile


    the type of the tile with the given global ID, if it exists
Map:getTileProperty (gid, propertyName)
Gets the value of a property of a tile.


  • gid number the global ID of the tile
  • propertyName string the name of the property


    the value of the property, if it exists
Map:setTileProperty (gid, propertyName, propertyValue)
Sets the value of a tile property.


  • gid number the global ID of the tile
  • propertyName string the name of the property
  • propertyValue the value to set the property to
Map:getLayer (...)
Gets a layer by name.

Can get nested layers.


  • ... string the name(s) of the layers to get


    the Layer, if it exists
Map:update (dt)
Updates all animations in the map.


  • dt number the elapsed time since the last frame
Map:drawBackground ()
Draws the solid color background of the map.
Map:draw ()
Draws the map.
generated by LDoc 1.4.6 Last updated 2020-04-24 01:38:44